How UX, UI, and CX Work Together

Deciphering the Confusing World of UX, UI, and CX 🤯

What's up, Decipherers! Today, we're diving into the not-so-clear world of UX, UI, and customer experience a.k.a. CX. It sounds super complex with all these random letters flying around. But stick with me - I'm going to use some simple analogies to break it down once and for all!

🖥️ Think of UI as the buttons and controls in apps and websites where things are placed and what they look like. The next layer is UX, which focuses more on how you feel when interacting with the UI. Did you easily accomplish what you needed? Do you trust the brand and wanna come back?

Wrapping all that up is the full customer experience - the TOTAL journey you go through across all touchpoints online and offline. This looks at the full picture, from awareness to loyalty and everything in between!

🎯So UI is tactical and focused on product use, UX evaluates emotional impact, and CX 🛒 maps the big-picture process. They work together to move users from "I can use this" to "I want to use this" to "I'll only use THIS." Pretty powerful combo!

Let me know in the comments if this mini-lesson was helpful or if you have any other questions on decoding these concepts. Smash that like button if we brought any clarity today! And stay tuned for more episodes and segments breaking down digital marketing step by step.

Later Decipherers! ✌️