Measuring Outcomes & Improving Metrics in Google Analytics 4 (GA4)

šŸŽ„ In this eye-opening segment of Deciphering Digital, we dive into the world of Google Analytics 4 (GA4) and explore how you can leverage this powerful tool to measure your key performance indicators (KPIs) and improve your marketing efforts. Discover how to set up event tracking for crucial actions like form completions, purchases, trial sign-ups, and video views.

šŸ“ˆ Learn how to assign these events as conversions in GA4, allowing you to track and analyze the impact of your marketing initiatives on your most important metrics. Our expert guest walks you through a real-world example of tracking video views on a B2B website, showcasing how you can ensure that your events are being tracked appropriately and accurately.

šŸ” By overlaying your channel data with your conversion events, you'll gain valuable insights into how your marketing efforts are driving results. Discover how to determine the success of your campaigns by analyzing the percentage of users who complete desired actions, such as watching a demo video, after being directed from specific channels like LinkedIn.

šŸ“Š Don't miss this opportunity to enhance your GA4 skills and learn how to use analytics as a tool for testing and improvement. Subscribe to the Deciphering Digital channel now and unlock the full potential of data-driven marketing.

#GoogleAnalytics4 #KPITracking #MarketingOptimization